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data access and usage control

Fostering a fair data and digital economy, fairsfair leverages legal principles to enable individuals, businesses and authorities to easily manage data, catering to the outcomes they want, while neither compromising on privacy nor convenience. is a neutral data intermediation service, registered by the EU. The decentralised ‘transaction broker’ is a plug-and-play API, establishing interoperability and compliance. Multiple organisations can collaborate on value adding services offered to natural persons and amongst legal entities. Referral to certified decentralised transaction brokers in tenders enables authorities to ensure their citizens with full control over data and identity, and assuring a level playing field for market actors, pro-actively.

trusted data sharing protocol

Multiple organisations can collaborate on value adding services offered to natural persons and amongst legal entities. Easy to integrate with whatever (personal) data management system in place. Transaction parties, the account providers and payment and/or service providers on their behalf, subscribe to the transactions. Throughout the alignment of the transaction-activities of the transaction-process between the designated entities, the broker provides identification and authorisation management catering to transaction-activity specific data usage and access control.
The decentralised ‘transaction broker’, by, is an accredited service for trusted data sharing featuring the semantic model.


transaction broker

The transaction broker aligns the exchange of data as part of the exchange of services/goods/data for compensation, as agreed by parties. Interoperability is derived from standardising the output of transaction activities to align different systems, independent of technology choices or business rules. Compliance is forged by minimising data access and usage only for and during a transaction activity.

transaction activities

Implementation requires internal alignment of common transaction-activities, regarding the initiation, authorisation and execution of payment and services/goods/data with the semantic model by The internal processing id’s are linked to a transaction-id that is issued by the transaction broker. Access to the outcome, recorded by the entity that performed the activity, is granted in compliance with FAIR-principles under the transaction-id and respective transaction-activity, for transaction parties and relevant authorities.
More on the semantic model and its implementation can be found on

transaction alignment

In reality we are faced with different transaction-activities taking place in different transaction-processes, between different entities, in different domains. The transaction broker organises the sequence as agreed by the transaction parties, and communicates the state of the transaction and its activities to their specific agents. This one simple protocol aligns interactions of both payment as well as entitlement to services, goods and (personal) data.

transaction meta-data

The actual solution (payment and/or service provider) that processes the data of a specific transaction-activity, records the outcome under the transaction-id and the transaction-activity reference. Each transaction party, the agents delegated to that specific payment or services activity (and authorities) can retrieve the outcome from the ‘source’. This ‘storage location’ is recorded in the transaction broker. This means that current solutions can align easily, adhering to FAIR-principles.

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3941 BC Doorn, The Netherlands

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VAT NL858781463B01

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